Why are we all so Chronically Online? ft. Rebecca Jennings

Everybody loves a good social media trainwreck - posts so bad that you can't look away.  But how did we get like this? Have we always been like this, and social media just gave us a new way to express it? Vox's Rebecca Jennings joins the show to talk about 'Chronically Online' discourse. We talk about why people say the insane things they say on Twitter, TikTok, and other platforms, why we can't resist a good dogpile on those people, and what it means for our culture and our politics.

Recommended Reading:

Jennings: Every "chronically online" conversation is the same - https://www.vox.com/the-goods/23497207/chronically-online-twitter-tiktok

The Toxoplasma of Rage - https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage/

F**k Puritanism - https://mentalhellth.xyz/p/f**k-puritanism

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