THURSDAY, June 13th
6:00 PM
Opening Reception
We’re kicking off our annual New Liberal Action Summit at Mission Navy Yard, where CNL members and all center-left individuals are welcome to join us for this great networking opportunity, and free light food and drinks. We'll be joined by a special guest speaker, so don't miss it!
Friday, June 14th
Policy Programming — National Union Building
8:30 AM
REgistration & Coffee
9:00 AM
opening remarks
9:15 AM
NextGen Democrats: A Case for New Liberalism
Demographics was destiny...until it wasn't. Unlike the rosy predictions of years past, Republicans are making gains with young voters, threatening an essential part of the Democratic Party coalition. Appealing to young voters isn't as simple as it once seemed. How can the Democratic Party craft a new agenda to regain its foothold amongst young voters? Who are the young leaders in the party who will take that mantle in the years to come?
Rep. Jake Auchincloss
MD State Sen. Sarah Elfreth
Candidate for MD-03
Isaiah Martin
Former Candidate
Colin Mortimer
Director, CNL
10:30 AM
Winning on housing: A New economic crisis
In nominal terms, housing costs have been the biggest driver of inflation since COVID-19. And now young voters rank housing as their third largest issue facing the United States -- ahead of perennial Democratic issues such as gun violence and jobs. But while the issue has gained prominence, it still lags far behind comparatively as a Democratic campaign issue. How can Democrats develop a winning message on housing to win over young voters and produce a positive economic vision? What policies should Democrats pursue, at the federal, state and local level, to make progress on housing abundance and affordability?
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (Virtual Remarks)
State Rep. Manny Rutinel
CO State House
Nolan Gray
California YIMBY
Maureen Coffey
Arlington County Board
Rick Kahlenberg
12:30 PM
INTERNATIONALISM: Maintaining global liberal democracy
The challenge to global liberal democracy is like nothing like we have seen in decades. Whether Russia's war in Ukraine, China's saber-rattling across Asia or the growing trend of economic nationalism across the world, the world stands to turn inwards in a time when it can most not afford to do so. How can the United States promote a global economic and diplomatic agenda that fosters cooperation amongst allies and isolates our autocratic foes? How can Democrats campaign on this as a winning agenda in 2024?
Rep. Brittany Pettersen
Rep. Marilyn Strickland
Ed Gresser
Jeremiah Johnson
Co-founder, CNL
11:45 AM
1:30 pM
Cost of living: the 2024 Challenge
Across every demographic, inflation is the most pressing issue facing Democrats in 2024. Consistently though, voters say in the polls that the Republican Party is more adept at getting this crisis under control. With past messaging not moving the needle enough, how can Democrats craft a winning message on inflation to win over voters, particularly in swing states? How can Democrats critique Republicans on this issue as well?
Rep. Derek Kilmer
State Sen. Barbara Favola
VA SD 40
Laura Duffy
3:00 pM
Countering Extremism: The Common-sense social agenda
Republicans want to turn back the clock on women's rights and LGBTQ+ issues. This weaponization of basic social equality has endangered many Americans and further polarized society. How can Democrats run on a socially liberal agenda that builds a consensus around basic rights, and win on that message in 2024?
State Sen. Russet Perry
VA SD 31
Matt Hughes
Hillsborough, NC Commissioner
Stu Malec
3:50 pM
closing remarks
4:00 pM
evening reception
LaJoy Johnson-Law
DC School Board Candidate
SATURDAY, June 15th
New Liberals Retreat — CNL Headquarters
9:00 AM
9:45 AM
Opening Remarks
Colin Mortimer
Director, CNL
Councilmember Brooke Pinto
Ward 2