CNL Chapter
Endorsement Forms
Center for New Liberalism chapters are able to be directly politically active by endorsing candidates for office. The full endorsement process requirements and overview are found here. The two forms needed for this process are found below.
Candidate Contribution Request form
Some CNL chapters may want to provide a financial contribution to an endorsed candidate through our 501(c)(4) New Democracy, or our PAC. In order to do so, we must confirm that a contribution for this campaign is legal for this race’s legal jurisdiction.
Pending that legality is not an issue, the chapter then must get pre-approval from CNL’s Leadership for a contribution. In order to verify legality and to seek pre-approval for a financial contribution to an endorsed campaign, you must complete this form. For any questions, please contact
Chapter endorsement notification Form
Center for New Liberalism chapters have the opportunity to endorse candidates running for office. As one of the steps in the endorsement process, chapters must submit their endorsement results by completing the form below. The form details what endorsements have already been made by a CNL chapter. For any questions, please contact