The 2023 Steering Committee Elections

Filing for the 2023 Center for New Liberalism Steering Committee has opened. Before filing to run, please be sure to read this entire post, as the 2022 Steering Committee has voted on some changes to the structure of the 2023 steering committee. 

This year’s elections will take place online and in-person at the New Liberal Action Summit in Washington, D.C. Online voting will open on July 7th, but anyone planning to vote in-person should plan to vote at the conference.

About the Steering Committee

The Center for New Liberalism’s Steering Committee exists to ensure that the interests of chapters and members are represented and to provide a voice and forum for the direction of organization-wide initiatives to promote liberal ideas in the United States and worldwide.

The 2022 Steering Committee has voted to expand the 2023 Steering Committee from six voting members to nine voting members, including seven members from domestic chapters in the United States, and a minimum of two designated international members. All steering committee members are elected at-large, and the committee itself elects its own officers.  Staff from the Center for New Liberalism organization leadership sit in on the committee in a nonvoting, observing capacity. Each year the Steering Committee serves a term lasting from the date of their inauguration through the next election held at our annual conference.  The committee is responsible for the following: 

  • Advising CNL staff on strategy, vision and initiatives throughout the year

  • Proposing and executing on special steering committee initiatives 

  • Producing briefs and feedback documents on the performance of the national organization and makes recommendations to it. 

Election Procedures

The Center for New Liberalism will hold this year’s elections to coincide with the New Liberal Action Summit in Washington, D.C. The elections will be structured as such:

  • Candidates will have the opportunity to declare their candidacy from today until June 26, 2023.

  • A list of all eligible candidates along with their statements will be sent via email to eligible voters on June 30, 2023

  • Ballots will be sent out via email on July 7th, 2023 to all eligible voters (dues-paying members and active chapter leads). NOTE: there will be in-person voting at the New Liberal Action Summit in Washington, D.C., therefore anyone planning to attend the conference should make plans to vote in person.

  • Online voting will end on July 14, 2023, at 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time (3:59 AM GMT).

  • Winners will be announced and inaugurated on July 15th on the final day of the conference.

  • Candidates are encouraged to provide a short biography, and write a motivation statement as to why they are interested in running for a seat on the Steering Committee; such a statement must be limited to 500 words and cannot contain a link to a longer statement.

  • Voting will be done via Approval Voting where voters can select as many candidates as they feel comfortable having a seat on the Committee, and the top nine candidates will be elected.

  • In the event that the top nine are all from the United States, the top two vote recipients from outside the United States will take the place of the 8th and 9th place domestic candidates.

  • The new Steering Committee will serve for a term lasting from the date of their inauguration through the next election held at our annual conference.